#harry x drago
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noxentra · 6 months ago
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A la bibliothèque. Original
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oneiric-misfit · 1 year ago
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Mots : 614
TW : Traumatismes
Résumé : Jesse Lewis revient en cours à Poudlard après des vacances scolaires compliquées.
Musique : Feeling good, Muse.
Un coup de poignard. En plein cœur. La jeune femme sentit son palpitant exploser au contact de la lame métaphorique, glacée et mal aiguisée. Un enchainement de mot sans logique se bousculèrent dans sa tête. "Nouvelle, facile, parents, ténèbres". La logique était pourtant bien présente, mais elle se refusa à son esprit. La douleur inonda son poitrail, l'empêchant de respirer, essayant de l'étouffer. Elle senti le sol se dérober sous ses pieds, puis, arrêtant de se battre, elle se laissa glisser dans les abysses matérialisés par son esprit.
La voie 9¾ était bondée, les gens s'y bousculaient. Quand le Poudlard Express entra en gare, les élèves et futurs élèves commencèrent à y prendre place. Du bout de l'épaisse semelle de ses rangers mal lassées, une jeune femme monta la marche d'un wagon.
Entrant dans le train, elle prit soin de choisir un compartiment vide. À l'aide d'un Wingardium Leviosa, elle plaça sa valise dans le porte bagage, avant de s'assoir sur la banquette de cuir marron. Un chaton sauta de son épaule jusqu'à la table et se retourna pour la fixer de ses yeux ambrés, un air de reproche dans le regard.
- Je sais Wink, tu n'aimes pas les trains. Dit-elle d'une voix douce, avant de prendre l'animal dans ses bras. Ne t'en fais pas, tu ne verras pas le temps passer.
Elle le caressa doucement jusqu'à ce qu'il s'endorme, enfin rassuré, et ferma les yeux à son tour. Elle revit le visage de ses parents, la cour de la maison, le lac magique bordé de bouleaux, scintillant de poissons doré. Le soleil laissant apparaitre des reflets violets dans les cheveux de sa mère. Elle sourit et céda au sommeil. Jesse se retrouva seule, le ciel devenu noir, des rafales de vent se faisant sentir dans ses cheveux, la poussant jusqu'à ce qu'elle en perde presque l'équilibre. L'eau, ternie par l'orage, laissait apparaitre des poissons flottant à sa surface. Terrorisé, la jeune femme chercha ses parents du regard, elle pivota vers la maison, et se glaça d'effroi. Elle aperçut la porte, ouverte, battant au vent. Elle se mit à courir, manqua de trébucher, et s'arrêta à l'encadrement de la porte, le souffle court. Elle inspira, terrifiée, et franchit le seuil tant redouté.
Jesse fut réveillée par un arrêt assez brutal du train, qui lui signifia qu'il était arrivé en gare. Elle se sentit prise dans l'univers de son cauchemar, quand Wink sauta sur la table, le poil hérissé, ses petites canines sortis, ce qui la fit presque rire, et lui permit de penser à autre chose. Elle attrapa la boule de poil et la posa sur son épaule.
Enfilant rapidement sa robe de sorcière par-dessus ses vêtements, elle sortie du train. Ses pas suivirent la masse d'élèves vers les grilles de l'entrée, la foule ralentie par un contrôle inhabituelle. Arrivant au niveau du professeur Flitwick, elle se stoppa.
- Nom, prénom, année. Siffla machinalement le professeur
- Jesse Lewis, sixième année.
En entendant le nom de la jeune femme, le professeur leva la tête de son parchemin.
- Hé bien, Mademoiselle Lewis, nous ne pensions pas vous revoir. Je suis heureux que vous soyez présente cette année.
- Merci. Répondit simplement la jeune femme en prenant sa valise pour la mettre dans la carriole.
Elle monta dans la calèche, tirée par deux sombrals, et soupira. Elle ne savait pas ce que cette année allait lui réserver, mais au vu de la réaction du professeur Flitwick, cela n'annonçait rien de bon.
Une fois arrivée devant le château, elle suivit la meute mais eu un temps d'arrêt en voyant la porte de la grande salle. Elle peinait à la reconnaitre, c'était étrange comme sensation. Comme s'il s'agissait d'un souvenir embrumé. Elle soupira, et franchi le seuil tant redouté.
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spiritgamer26 · 6 months ago
[CP] Trailer officiel de Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch
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Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch
Dans cette nouvelle vidéo, les fans peuvent en apprendre davantage sur ce sport magique au rythme effréné, qui a déjà captivé le public dans les livres et les films Harry Potter. Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch permet aux joueurs de personnaliser leur propre avatar ou d'incarner des personnages célèbres dans le monde des sorciers, notamment Harry Potter, les jumeaux Weasley ou Sebastian Pallow, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns, alors qu'ils s'envolent pour représenter la fierté de leur maison sur le terrain.https://youtu.be/n21Bf895viAEn prévision du lancement du jeu, les joueurs peuvent relier leurs comptes Warner Bros. Games et Harry Potter Fan Club pour recevoir des récompenses exclusives dans le jeu. Pour plus de détails, les fans peuvent se rendre sur le site : https://www.wizardingworld.com/quidditch-connectProposant des lieux, des personnages et des références emblématiques du monde des sorciers, Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch permet de goûter au frisson du vol en balai dans des arènes légendaires en tant que batteur, poursuiveur, gardien ou attrapeur dans une variété de modes, dont le mode carrière solo, multijoueur compétitif ou coop en ligne.  Des matchs au Terrier des Weasley aux affrontements de haut niveau de la Coupe du Monde de Quidditch, les joueurs prendront leur envol dans des arènes légendaires en incarnant - ou en affrontant - des personnages emblématiques tels que Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Drago Malefoy, Cho Chang et bien d'autres encore. Et en cadeau spécial, les joueurs qui possèdent Hogwarts Legacy : L’Héritage de Poudlard recevront le Pack Legacy bonus* lorsqu'ils téléchargeront Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch, en plus de se connecter à leur compte WB Games.Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch sortira sur PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, et PC (Steam et Epic Games Store) le 3 septembre 2024 en éditions numériques Standard et Deluxe. L'édition physique Deluxe sera disponible sur PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X et Xbox One le 8 novembre 2024. L'édition pour la console Nintendo Switch™ sortira en fin d’année 2024. Les joueurs peuvent vérifier auprès de leurs revendeurs la disponibilité des pré-commandes pour les éditions Deluxe physiques. De plus, l'édition Standard de Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch sera disponible gratuitement pour les abonnés PlayStation®Plus du 3 au 30 septembre 2024.** Le skin de balai Éclair de feu Suprême sera aussi disponible en tant que pack téléchargeable, disponible au cours de cette période pour les abonnés PlayStation®Plus. Les abonnés PlayStation®Plus qui téléchargent le jeu à cette période auront accès au jeu tant qu'ils resteront abonnés.Pour en savoir plus au sujet de Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch (https://www.quidditchchampions.com/), rejoignez la conversation sur Twitter (@Warner Bros. Games France), Instagram (wbgamesfr), YouTube (Warner Bros. Games France), TikTok (WarnerBrosGames) et Discord ( Read the full article
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t-marveland · 8 months ago
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | draco malfoy
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings : spoil
Mots : 103
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Vous vous étiez fait capturer par Greyback et son groupe de rafleurs. Dans le but d'avoir une récompense pour avoir capturé Harry Potter, ils vous amèrement alors au quartier général des Mangemorts, le manoir des Malefoy. Une fois là-bas, Drago fut appelé par ses parents pour identifier Harry. Quand il rentra dans la pièce, il croisa ton regard et baissa directement les yeux.
❝━ Qu'est ce qu'elle fait ici ? Demanda-t-il à son père.
━ Peu importe. Dis nous si tu le reconnais.❞
Il se pencha vers Harry et te lança un regard.
❝━ Ce n'est pas lui... Dit-il.❞
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frenchdrarry · 3 years ago
Draco : Si tu as des idées, n’hésites pas à les mettre dans la boîte à idée.
Harry, sceptique : C’est une boîte qui ressemble fortement à une poubelle.
Draco : C’est pour tes idées de merde.
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honeymoon2011 · 2 years ago
I will never tolerate this😭
hi guys 😭 I don't understand why sebastian flirts with other girls in class, you know 😭 when you see the npc whispering to each other and there it's the same for Seb with a Huffleppuf or an another girl !!! 😒
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But sometimes there are false joys, sometimes I have the impression that Sebastian says weird or confusing sentences, I hope there will be a next game or a dlc to crush you know 😎😏
Just for this moments , I fall in love with him ❤️😭😂
This is a YouTube video -> account of this video : AFGuidesHD
Yes I know I'm in excess, just because he puts the book on the table out of politeness to talk with us, it becomes my crush 😅 Its true no ? he's a gentleman …
Have a magic day guys ! 💚🧙🏻‍♀️🐍
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omgiwantatattoo · 3 years ago
The war had been over for a good long while, but there was still a war raging in Draco. He hadn’t yet decided if he was able to forgive himself or not. He felt it was strange that so many others had. He stared at the ceiling, lying in bed with sleep evading him yet again. Draco pondered how many hours he’d spent wondering. Half a lifetime, he’d guess. Half a lifetime spent wondering why he wasn’t the child born into a family that loved him so much it had saved his life. Wondering why he had to be the one that had gone through life so long feeling alone. Wondering why he was the one who had been handed the life that gave him little choice but to be the villain. Wondering why so few adults had told him he had the choice and ability to be good when he had been just a child. A shaky breath escaped him and he closed his eyes thinking back to this morning.
He’d noticed you on his first day of work. Now you were here, many months later, a small smile always working its way onto his face upon his first glimpse of you as he made his way into work each morning. You always offered him a kind smile and a friendly “good morning, Mr. Malfoy”. You took the time to look him in the eyes - something he didn’t get very much of in this lifetime. For just a moment, his thoughts would still and the clouds would clear from his mind. For just a moment he was just a man coming to work. For just a moment, each and every day, you’d given him a moment to think that maybe, just maybe, he could be good.
So here he was, eyes closed in bed. Wondering. Wondering what he could do to be good tomorrow and deserve that smile. Wondering when he’d finally find the courage to ask you to dinner. Wondering when he will finally sleep, with you next to him, and your children next door whom you’d love together so much that it would save them if they needed it. Never having to wonder ever again if he was capable of being good.
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cas-kingdom · 4 years ago
A/N: Soft and fluffy Draco. Can never say no.
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Title: Stars
Summary: You and Draco stargaze on the roof of Malfoy Manor.
Words: 513
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There was a space on the roof of Malfoy Manor that you doubted your parents knew about. It’d always been where you’d go – up the hidden winding stairs at the back of the house and onto the slating roof, where you could sit in quietude and stare up at the starry sky; the only thing of serenity in and around the manor for miles.
Coming home – could you really call it home? – during the holidays was always a little… well. You knew you’d rather stay at Hogwarts with your friends. Often, you wished you didn’t have a family so you wouldn’t have to return, but then you’d rethink, and you’d remember that that was a little selfish.
After all, you still had Draco, and you’d rather have the rest of your infamous family and Draco than no family and no Draco.
Today was the second day of the Christmas holidays. Or, rather, night. You’d gone up to the roof at seven pm after your brief family dinner, dragging a wool blanket, in your cosy pyjamas. And you’d been sat staring up at the midnight for a half hour, now, immune to the wintry air and the icy cold.
You’d wanted to be alone, but when you heard footsteps behind you, and whipped your head around to see Draco, that feeling vanished completely. You watched him for a moment, the corners of your lips curling upwards when he smiled, and turned your head back around to face the black.
He sat beside you, and you nonchalantly gave him one half of the blanket, which he wrapped around his shoulders as he shuffled closer to you.
“Bit cold,” he commented absently, and you nodded.
“Yes. But it’s nicer than in there.”
He shrugged. “I dunno. Mother put the fire on.”
You pursed your lips. “Still nicer.”
Draco glanced at you. He lifted an eyebrow before chuckling and shaking his head, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer. “You’re a strange one,” he said.
“You’re out here as well,” you told him with a smirk.
“That’s because I came to find you. And you’re always out here. Could put a bed up here for you if you wanted.”
Your smile widened, but you didn’t respond as the breeze pushed the dark clouds aside to reveal the yellow moon, a bright ball in the velvet sky. You felt that familiar peace fill your chest and leaned your head on your twin’s shoulder.
“I love you, Draco,” you said quietly.
“I love you, too,” Draco said. “But why are you saying it?”
You shrugged lightly. “I just feel like it’s sometimes nice to be reminded of these things, even if you already know them to be true.”
Draco rose a brow, staring at the sparkling reflection of the sky in your big eyes, and smiled, nodding his head and lifting his chin to gaze at the endless stars above. “Well, in that case, sister, I love you, and I’ll love you for as long as it takes to count each and every star in the sky.”
Harry Potter Masterpost
December Writing Challenge Masterpost
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iskisaggie · 5 years ago
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Ah yes, Twitter memes.
[Please, do not repost] INSTAGRAM - TWITTER
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griseldagimpel · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Leverage Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Wilson/Drago Characters: Harry Wilson (Leverage), Drago (Leverage) Additional Tags: Crack, Sexual Humor, Implied Sexual Content, The Interplay Between Sex and Violence, Puns & Word Play, Misunderstandings, Dom/sub Undertones, Dark Web Yelp Reviews, Harry Wilson hopes he gets a good grade in being kidnapped, a thing that is both normal to want and possible to achieve Summary:
Harry Wilson's past wrongdoings catch up to him, and Drago is hired to kidnap him once more. There are worse ways to start a relationship.
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sunkissedfae · 4 years ago
Harry Potter
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➵ Masterlist
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❀ -Smut
✓ -Requested
✶ -Angst
☾ -Blurbs
✧ -Series
♪ -Song fics
☁️ -Fluff
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Draco Malfoy
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Fred Weasley
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George Weasley
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Cedric Diggory
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➵ Headcannons
➵ Blurbs
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romanticalicisme · 4 years ago
J’ai besoin d’avis honnêtes !
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athos1615 · 6 years ago
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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
- Harry Potter
Malfoy the Unanxious
Scorpius the Dreadless
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p-writes · 6 years ago
Tea sis !
Wait ok y’all... I know this is stupid of me lmao but what do you do when you have a whole ass mans and you still read x reader fics... is that cheating since you’re imagining yourself with a different person 👀
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rreader · 7 years ago
Micheeeeelle I had a request sorta. Draco Malfoy and reader meet at Hogsmeade (he's maybe in third year and she's starting her first! Yay!) So they meet and Draco's like wow who's this and hopes he sees her at Hogwarts. When she gets sorted he hopes for Slytherin but ah she's a Gryffindor!? I didn't really think very far ahead other than this tbh 😂
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Gryffindor!ReaderFandom: HPWarnings: dead people (battle of hogwarts and all that)Genre: angst ; fluff
Summary: Many people say love at first sight doesn’t exist. Draco was one of these people. Until he saw a young girl, sitting on a counter in her uncle’s shop and waving happily at him. That was the moment he knew: ‘I will marry her one day’.
A/N: oh boy, that’s a long one again. I honestly couldn’t help myself once I came up with the idea. I thought it’d be cool to see how this relationship would develop with each year, so there’s a lot of time jumps. hope this is what you wanted angel ♥
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                                                        first year.
Youwere born and raised in Hogsmeade, a village that many students ofHogwarts visited frequently.
Thisyear, however, you’d become one of these students and were beyondexcited for it.
Zonko,the owner of Zonko’s Joke Shop, was your uncle, so when your parentswent off to work, you usually spent all your day with him.
Itwas no surprise, that the shop was filled to the brim on weekends,when Hogwarts students had their weekly trips.
Todaywas no exception. Your own adventure in Hogwarts would begin in aweek, but many students that were in higher classes, had alreadyarrived. You sat on top of a counter, legs dangling from it and youreyes were gliding from person to person, when they suddenly landed ona blonde boy staring at you.
Yousmiled happily at him and waved a little.
Dracoturned around to his friends and whispered: “Who’s the girl sittingon the counter over there?”
“Uh..the owner’s niece, I think,” one of them replied, “She’s startingHogwarts this year. Cool kid, from what I’ve heard.”
“Isshe?” Draco turned back around and found you laughing at the girlsin front of you, who tried one of your uncle’s toys, “She lookscool.”
Lookingback at it, that was the moment that Draco fell head over heels inlove with you.
                                                      aweek later
Therewere so many new students. It was hard to find one specific person inthe masses, but his eyes eventually landed on you.
Merlin,you looked so happy.
Heremembered his first day and how happy he had been. How happy to havebeen in Slytherin. Maybe that’s what you wanted too?
Hecouldn’t help but hope so. Hope that you’d join his house..
Butwhen it was time for you to get sorted and the hat called out:“Gryffindor!”, he was downright disappointed.
Hisface dropped and he watched you sit down at the Gryffindor table,that idiot Potter smiling kindly at you.
‘Thatcould’ve been me’, he thought.
Itwas only a week later when he ran into you on his way to the GreatHall.
Hewas about to turn into the next corridor, and ran directly into you.
“Oh,I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you,” you said in your high-pitchedvoice, your eyes widening, when you saw who it was, “Oh! It’s you! Iremember you! You were in my uncle’s shop a while ago!”
Suddenly,Draco was eternally grateful that he had decided to go to dinnerearlier, otherwise his ‘friends’ would have been with him and hewouldn’t have been able to talk so freely with you.
“It’sDraco. Draco Malfoy.”
“Holdon.. you mean as in.. you’re.. wow!”
Hethought you’d be disgusted, maybe even scared, but he found none ofthat in your eyes. Only curiosity.
“Isthat good?”
“Idon’t know,” you shrugged and laughed, “I’ve heard so much aboutyour family. Always wanted to meet one of you. But my parents neverlet me leave Hogsmeade. But it’s really cool to finally meet one,especially someone that is almost my age.”
Hecouldn’t help but chuckle a little.
“I’mnot that interesting.”
“Pff.If you say so. Anyways, I have to go, or I’ll get in trouble again.”
Youblushed a little and lowered your gaze, fidgeting with the sleeves ofyour robe, “Long story. I’ll tell you one day.”
“Isthat a promise?”
Youlifted your head again, smiled happily and nodded enthusiastically.
Itwas the year of the Triwizard Tournament. The reason while studentsfrom foreign schools had traveled to Hogwarts. Both to watch and bepart of this spectacle.
Butthat wasn’t the reason for your uproar.
Youran through the halls of Hogwarts as quickly as possible andeventually, found yourself in the astronomy tower.
Thespot, that Draco and you had marked your own since last year.
Youhad quickly realized that he didn’t want to appear ‘weak’ in front ofhis friends, for being friends with you. You didn’t like themanyways, so you didn’t mind. You didn’t mind your friendship beinga secret. You doubted your Gryffindor friends would approve either.
Hewas leaning against the railing of the balcony and turned around when he heard someoneenter.
“Didyou run here?”
“Tellme the truth.. you’re not planning on throwing your name in theGoblet of Fire.. right?”
Hedrew his eyebrows together in confusion, “I’m too young..”
“Iheard rumors.. that someone has found a way..,” you walked over tohim, until you were standing right in front of him, “Promise me.Promise you won’t do something stupid.”
“Whywould I even want to be a part of it?”
“Fame,glory, honor, Merlin, I don’t know. I just need to hear you say, that you won’t be a part of it.”
Hecouldn’t help but smile and put his hands on either side of yourcheeks, “I promise you, that I won’t be an idiot and throw my name in the Goblet of Fire.”
Onlythen did you let out a sigh of relief.
Andthat had been the second moment that Draco realized you were the loveof his life.
Umbridgebrought nothing but terror with her.
Shewas a monster. Simple as that.
Theway she physically hurt students, for doing something that she deemedbeing wrong, was something that even you had suffered from.
Youwere just on your way back, rubbing your hand, when Draco walked up to you.
“I’vebeen looking all over for you. Where have you been?”
“Uh..,”you quickly hid your hands under your sleeves, “I got hungry. Youknow me,” you faked a smile.
Butthat was the problem, wasn’t it? He did know you. He knew you forthree years and he knew you better than anyone else did.
“Nothing,”you wanted to walk past him, but he quickly grabbed your wrist andpulled your hand towards him.
Hestared at the – still bloody – words on the back of your head andyou could see the fury that was burning in his eyes.
“I’llkill her.”
“No,Draco, don’t!” you pressed your hands against his chest, “You’rein her good graces. Keep it that way, or you’ll end up like me.”
“Shetortured you!”
“Ican handle it,” you smiled at him. That gentle smile that alwayscalmed him down, “But I can’t handle you being hurt, because ofme.”
Hetook a few deep breaths. Killing her would probably not end well forhim.
Buthe wouldn’t forget this.
Andhe especially wouldn’t forget the feeling he had, when you told himthat you couldn’t stand him being hurt..
“Heeeey!Look what I got!” you ran up to him and held two muffins in frontof his face, “I made them. Or.. well.. I tried to,” you laughed.
Butwhen you looked up at him and saw how distraught he looked, that happy smile quickly vanished.
“Draco?What’s wrong?”
Hesighed, keeping his eyes fixed on the horizon.
“Everything’sgoing to change.”
Youknew what he was talking about, butyou refused to believe it. 
Instead, you took a step aside, so thatyou were standing behind him and hugged him, your face pressedagainst his back.
“No.You and I won’t.”
“Shht.Don’t say it,” you pressed your eyes shut, “Let me believe it..please..”
Andso he did.. he let you believe that he was a good man. He let youbelieve that he was still the same boy you first met in your uncle’sshop that day. Because anything else would break you.. would break him..
Heturned around in your arms and softly put one of his hands on yourcheek.
“Youknow that I care about you.. right? And that no matter what.. I won’tlet anything happen to you..”
Hekissed your forehead, “I promise.”
Thebattle of Hogwarts had begun.
Manyhad died, but all you had wanted was to find him.
Youturned around every corpse with blonde hair, praying that it wasn’thim.
Andit never was.
Soyour search continued and continued.
Whenyou were standing in the Great Hall, you realized that no one washere.. and that it was surprisingly quiet for a war.
“Wheredid everyone go?” you whispered to yourself.
Youran into the courtyard and then you saw them all, standing in frontof none other but Voldemort and his goons.
Therewere too many people there and you couldn’t see a thing, but youcould hear it all.
Youcould hear Draco’s parents saying his name over and over again.
Andwithout even thinking about the consequences, you pushed through themasses.
Itmust have caught his attention, since he stopped halfway on his way toVoldemort and turned around, his eyes wide in shock.
Youran towards him and jumped into his arms, tears streaming down yourface. You didn’t know whether it was because you now knew that he wasalive, or because he was about to leave and probably never return.
“Please,(Y/N), go back,” he whispered into your ear, but you only shookyour head furiously, “I made a promise to you. And I intend to keepthat promise..”
“No!”you didn’t want to let go and even though he tried to free himselffrom your grasp, he couldn’t.
Voldemortstarted laughing and turned around to his parents.
“Nowwho is this.. the future Misses Malfoy?” But both Lucius andNarcissa looked confused. They had no idea who you were, since you’vebeen keeping this a secret for five years. “How about you join ustoo? You and Draco could be happy together.. with us.”
Youopened your eyes and stared directly into those of Voldemort.
Finally,you let go of Draco and walked around him, so that you were shieldinghim.
“Youwant him?” your lower lip trembled, but you were a Gryffindor. Youwere brave. You could do this, “You have to kill me.”
“Ah..,”Voldemort laughed again, “Young love..”
Nowall of his goons laughed as well, but Draco only turned you aroundand cupped your face with his hands.
“Ican’t let you do this.. I can’t let you sacrifice yourself fornothing..”
“I’mnot sacrificing myself for nothing, Draco. I’m sacrificing myself forthe one I love,” you put your hands over his and just whenVoldemort was about to raise his wand to kill you, Harry – who wassupposed to be dead – fell out of Hagrid’s arms and disarmed him,running away immediately after.
Dracodidn’t waste a second.
Eventhough his parents kept screaming his name, he grabbed your hand andpulled you with him into the halls of Hogwarts.
Hewouldn’t let you get hurt. 
“Mommyis sooooo cool!” your son said, a proud shimmer in his eyes.
“Sheloves daddy so much!” your daughter said at the same time.
Youcarried your youngest into the room and put her down on the floornext to her siblings.
Dracograbbed your hand and kissed your knuckles, smiling up at you.
“Yourmother is and will always be my hero.”
Youreturned the smile and softly brushed through his blonde hair.
Whowould have thought that the young girl sitting on that counter in heruncle’s shop and the blonde boy that had been staring at her for tenminutes straight would end up here, happily married and proud parentsof three children?
Well,Draco had certainly hoped so, ever since his eyes fell upon you.
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frenchdrarry · 4 years ago
Kidnappeurs : Nous retenons votre mari en otage !
Harry : Draco ?
Kidnappeurs : Oui. La rançon sera à-
Harry : À rien du tout, gardez-le et bonne chance avec ça. Oh, et dites-lui d’acheter du pain en rentrant.
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